★☆ 家长们特别注意: 请遵守交通规则, 请注意孩子们的安全!☆★

★☆ 屠妖节假期:12.11.2023 - 14.11.2023!☆★

85周年校庆亲子嘉年华 85th School Anniversary Family Carnival


📅 日期:2023年11月25日
🕘 时间:9am - 4pm
📍 地点:吉隆坡崇文华小 SJK(C)Choong Wen
🌟丰富多彩的趣味游戏, 泡沫派对, 地道美食,美食餐车,各类精彩商品义卖等等。
🤝 欢迎热心家长、手工艺者、生意人加入我们
📞 0197310873 (Whatsapp only)
让我们一起创造难忘的回忆,共同庆祝校庆! 🎈🎊
85th School Anniversary Family Carnival
Let's celebrate the 85th school anniversary together! 🎉
📅 Date: November 25, 2023 Saturday
🕘 Time: 9 am - 4 pm
📍 Location: SJK(C) Choong Wen, Kuala Lumpur
🌟 Enjoy a variety of fun games, foam party, authentic delicacies, food trucks, and a diverse range of exciting goods for charity sale.
🤝 We are recruiting stall owners, and we welcome enthusiastic parents, craftsmen, and business people to join us.
For sponsorship or booth inquiries, please contact the organizing committee:
📞 0197310873 (Whatsapp only)
Let's create unforgettable memories together and celebrate the school anniversary!
